JavaScript Variables: A Complete Guide to Declarations and Scopes

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Variables are one of the most important concepts in programming, and JavaScript is no exception. Think of a variable as a container that holds information for you. Just like how you might store your snacks in a jar, you store data in a variable when writing code.

In this guide, you’ll explore what JavaScript variables are, how to use them, and why they’re crucial in making your code work efficiently. By the end, you’ll understand how to declare variables using var, let, or const, follow the naming rules, and grasp the concept of JavaScript hoisting and scope.

Let’s dive in!

1. What are JavaScript Variables?

In JavaScript, a variable is a named storage for data. When you create a variable, you’re telling the computer, “Hey, I want to remember this piece of information and use it later.” You can think of variables as labeled boxes where you can store data, such as numbers, text, or even more complex information like lists or objects.

For example, if you want to store your age, you might create a variable called myAge and assign it a value like this:

let myAge = 14;

Now, whenever you need to use your age in your code, you can just refer to myAge.

2. How to Declare Variables: var, let, and const

To use a variable in JavaScript, you first need to declare it. Declaring a variable means telling JavaScript to reserve some space in memory where the value will be stored. There are three ways to declare a variable in JavaScript: var, let, and const.

2.1 The var Keyword

  • What It Is: var is the oldest way to declare a variable in JavaScript.
  • How It Works: It allows you to create a variable that can be used throughout your code.


var favoriteColor = "blue"; 
console.log(favoriteColor); // Output: blue

2.2 The let Keyword

  • What It Is: let is a newer way to declare variables in JavaScript, introduced in 2015.
  • How It Works: let allows you to create variables that can be changed but are limited to the block (like a {}) where they are declared.


let age = 12; 
age = 13; // You can change the value console.log(age); // Output: 13

2.3 The const Keyword

  • What It Is: const is also a newer way to declare variables, introduced at the same time as let.
  • How It Works: const is short for “constant.” When you use const, the value of the variable cannot be changed.


const pi = 3.14; // pi = 3.14159; This will cause an error because pi is a constant. 
console.log(pi); // Output: 3.14
HoistingHoisted (initialized as undefined)Hoisted (not initialized)Hoisted (not initialized)
RedeclarationAllowedNot allowedNot allowed
ReassignmentAllowedAllowedNot allowed (constant values)
InitializationOptionalOptionalMandatory (must be initialized)
Global Object PropertyCreates a property on the global objectDoes not create a global object propertyDoes not create a global object property
Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ)No TDZ (accessible before declaration)TDZ (cannot be accessed before declaration)TDZ (cannot be accessed before declaration)
Use CaseGeneral-purpose, legacy codeFor variables that may changeFor constants that shouldn’t change

3. Rules for Naming JavaScript Variables

Just like how you can’t use any random name for a pet (like 123Dog!), JavaScript has specific rules for naming variables:

  1. Must Begin with a Letter, Underscore (_), or Dollar Sign ($):
    • Valid: name, _name, $name
    • Invalid: 1name, #name
  2. Can Include Letters, Digits, Underscores, or Dollar Signs:
    • Valid: name1, name_1, $name1
  3. Case-Sensitive:
    • Name and name are different variables.
  4. Should Be Descriptive:
    • Good: totalPrice, userName
    • Bad: x, y
  5. Cannot Be a Reserved Word:
    • Reserved words like let, var, function cannot be used as variable names.

4. Understanding JavaScript Hoisting

Hoisting is a tricky concept, but it’s important to understand how it works to avoid bugs in your code. In JavaScript, variables declared with var are hoisted to the top of their scope. This means that the variable is recognized before the code actually runs, but the assignment (the value you give it) is not.

Hoisting means that JavaScript moves the declaration of variables to the top of their scope before the code executes. This happens behind the scenes and can affect how your code runs.

For example:

console.log(myVar); // Outputs: undefined
var myVar = "Hello";
console.log(myVar); // Outputs: Hello

Even though the declaration of myVar comes after the console.log statement, JavaScript “hoists” the declaration to the top, making it accessible even before it’s assigned a value. This is why the first console.log outputs undefined instead of causing an error.


console.log(x); // Outputs: undefined
var x = 5;

In the example above, JavaScript moves the declaration var x; to the top of the scope during the execution phase, so x exists but is undefined until it is assigned a value. This can lead to confusing bugs if you’re not careful.

  • Let and Const: Unlike var, variables declared with let and const are not hoisted in the same way. They are also hoisted, but they do not get initialized and will throw an error if you try to use them before declaring.


console.log(y); // Throws a ReferenceError
let y = 10;

Best Practices to Avoid Hoisting Issues

  • Declare all your variables at the top of your function or block.
  • Use let and const to avoid accidental hoisting issues with var.

5. Variable Scope in JavaScript

The scope of a variable is the part of the program where the variable can be accessed. Understanding scope is crucial because it helps you manage the visibility and lifespan of your variables.

5.1. Global Scope

A variable has global scope if it’s declared outside of any function or block. This means it can be accessed from anywhere in your code.

let userName = "Emma";

function greet() {
  console.log("Hello " + userName);

greet(); // Outputs: Hello Emma

5.2. Function Scope

Variables declared inside a function using var are function-scoped, meaning they are only available within that function.

function calculate() {
  var result = 42;

calculate(); // Outputs: 42
console.log(result); // Error: result is not defined

5.3. Block Scope

Variables declared with let or const inside a block (like within {}) are block-scoped. They are only available within that block.

if (true) {
  let message = "Hello World";
  console.log(message); // Outputs: Hello World

console.log(message); // Error: message is not defined

Placeholder for Image: A diagram comparing global scope, function scope, and block scope using nested blocks and functions.

6. Best Practices for Using Variables

Now that you know how to declare and use variables in JavaScript, let’s go over some best practices to help you write clean and efficient code.

1. Declare Variables with let or const

Avoid using var in modern JavaScript as it can lead to confusing behavior due to hoisting and scope issues.

2. Use const for Constants

If a value should not change, always use const to declare the variable. This makes your code easier to understand and maintain.

3. Choose Descriptive Variable Names

Always name your variables based on what they store. This makes your code more readable and easier to debug.

4. Avoid Reusing Variable Names

Reusing names can lead to errors and make your code difficult to understand. Use unique and descriptive names.

5. Keep Variables Local

Whenever possible, limit the scope of your variables to avoid conflicts and unexpected behavior. Use block scope (let and const) instead of function scope (var).


JavaScript variables are the building blocks of your programs. Understanding how to declare them with var, let, or const, knowing the naming rules, being aware of hoisting, and mastering the different types of scope are all crucial for writing effective JavaScript code.

By applying these concepts and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a confident JavaScript developer. Remember, practice is key! Start by experimenting with different variable declarations in your own code, and see how they work in various scopes.

Happy coding!


  1. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) – JavaScript Guide
  2. W3Schools – JavaScript Variables
  3. – Variables
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